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There are no apparent physical or technical constraints that would prevent development of the site from coming forward. A range of technical surveys have been undertaken to influence the detail of the scheme. A summary of the key themes of interest are provided below.



The development is in a sustainable location, accessible on foot, by cycle and public transport.

The traffic generated by the proposals and the potential impact on the local road network, and also on the wider highway network (including the A19/A689 junction) has been assessed in detail and will be submitted as part of any future planning applications. 

The assessment concludes that the traffic generated by the development can be accommodated on the highway network subject to any localised improvement works that will be discussed during the determination of the application(s).



The development will include provision of features such as attenuation ponds, swales and filter strips to manage surface water. The drainage features have been designed to provide opportunities for habitat creation and biodiversity.

Fixing a Pipe
03 - Site Aerial.jpg


The southern edge of the site is partly located within a Local Wildlife Site and the design of development provides a sensitive response with the retention of habitats and green infrastructure. As mentioned above, the drainage proposals have been designed to enhance biodiversity opportunities. 

Full ecological surveys are underway and will inform the scheme as it develops. Every opportunity will be taken to enhance ecology on site and enhance existing habitats and create new ones. The scheme has been designed to offer open spaces and planting to provide new and enhanced habitats for species. 



Surveys have identified the noise environment in the local area with the Tata Steel site and the A689 providing notable sources of noise.


The development will provide appropriate mitigation which is likely to include a combination of measures such as an attenuation bund (or barrier), the orientation of buildings and gardens/open spaces (so that they are shielded) and enhanced window glazing.


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