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Hellens Group are working with Hartlepool Borough Council and the Tees Valley Combined Authority to deliver new commercial space that will support the creation of new jobs and economic growth for Hartlepool. As explained on the previous page, there are three areas to the site. 

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Proposed Development

Click on the above image to zoom in

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The smaller parcel to the north of the south would accommodate employment space of around 4,100 sqm (44,000 sqft). This is likely to be Use Class E (formerly B1) which is general business / office use. This would utilise a vacant parcel in established area of Queens Meadow.


Northern Parcel Plan

Click on the above image to zoom in



The larger area to the south of the site is identified for the delivery of Use Class B2 and B8 which would provide employment space (approximately 42,000 sqm (or 452,000 sqft)) for general industry and/or storage and distribution. This development would be accessed via an extension to the road within Queens Meadow and it would form a loop from the existing roundabout. It is intended that some of the proposed business units will be applied for in detail with the remaining in outline.


This means that full details (including appearance) will be provided for some of the proposals and, for the remaining, the planning application would secure the principle of development for the proposed use – and there would be a requirement for a further application for approval of the detailed matters (approval of Reserved Matters). Full planning permission will be sought for the proposed commercial units to the north and west of this parcel and the outline planning permission will be sought for the units in the southern and eastern parts.


Southern Parcel Plan

Click on the above image to zoom in

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The proposal also includes some residential development that will support the development at the Business Park, whilst providing an important contribution to the housing need in the Borough.

The masterplanning of this parcel indicates that approximately 200 dwellings could be accommodated on the site, providing a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. 

Outline planning permission will be sought for the residential development. Similar to the position above, this would mean that further approval (Reserved Matters) would be required for the exact number of houses, layout, landscaping and appearance of the development.


Eastern Parcel Plan

Click on the above image to zoom in

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Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Limited (‘Lichfields’) is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (registration number Z6193122). Your responses will be analysed by Lichfields on behalf of our client: Hellens Group. It is not envisaged that any personal data will be supplied by virtue of completion of the survey, but in the event that any personal data is supplied, it will be disregarded and deleted without undue delay. Responses to this consultation may be made publicly available.

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